forum 10access
On this occasion we had the pleasure of bringing together …
Catalina Bello
Economist from the Rosario University, specializing in economic law and markets. She has more than 16 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and union sector. She is currently the director of access and sustainability of AFIDRO.
Luz Andrea Ramírez
Doctor from the Javeriana University with a master’s degree in public health and management. She has 11 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, and has led teams in medical affairs. She currently serves as the medical director of AMGEN Colombia.
Yira Diaz
Microbiologist with a master’s degree in biological sciences and a specialization in health economics. Leader in public affairs and market access with wide experience in public policy, access, corporate sustainability, value in health and communications. Most recently, she has served as Director of Corporate Affairs & Market Access for Roche Products Colombia.
These three recognized Market Access leaders within the pharmaceutical sector discuss their different perspectives on Market Access in our region. Do not miss the analysis, conclusions and insights that will be invaluable for your professional growth